Jocelyn Mendez’s journey into documentary film-making began during a period of profound personal adversity, including a pandemic that shook her world. Amidst this backdrop, Jocelyn faced the painful experience of having her narrative exploited by another filmmaker who failed to give her proper credit. This incident, combined with personal struggles including abuse and a heart-wrenching custody battle that resulted in the loss of her custody, catalyzed her to take control of her own story.
In partnership with her friend, Natalia Peguero, Jocelyn launched a documentary project that not only recounts her personal trials but also weaves in the transformative experiences of four fellow artists. This collaborative venture aims to shed light on the resilience required to navigate life’s darkest moments and the healing power of art and community.
Throughout these challenges, Jocelyn has carved out a path of healing and empowerment, underscoring the critical importance of mental health in overcoming adversity. Her work embodies a deep commitment to helping others, rooted in her conviction that with the right mental health support, anything is possible. This documentary is Jocelyn’s platform to share the various healing modalities that have aided her journey, as well as those of her collaborators, including artists and mental health professionals. Together, they provide a range of experiences, methods, and techniques aimed at fostering healing, offering hope and strength to others facing similar hardships.
Despite enduring public scrutiny and devastating loss of custody of her daughter, Jocelyn’s resolve remains unshaken. Her focus continues to center on her love for her children, her family, and her passion for mental health, wellness, and healing. Through her story and her documentary, Jocelyn seeks to not only highlight her personal triumph over adversity but also to serve as a guide for preventing similar hardships for other women in the future. Her narrative is not just her own but a beacon for others, Illuminating a path of resilience, healing and victory.